スクリプカリウ落合 安奈

日本とルーマニアの 2 つの母国に根を下ろす方法の模索をきっかけに、「土地と人の結びつき」というテーマを持つ。国内外各地で土着の祭や民間信仰などの文化人類学的なフィールドワークを重ね、近年はその延長線として霊長類学の分野にも取り組みながら、インスタレーション、写真、映像、絵画などマルチメディアな作品を制作。「時間や距離、土地や民族を越えて物事が触れ合い、地続きになる瞬間」を紡ぐ。



近年の主な受賞歴は「TERRADA ART AWARD 2021  鷲田めるろ賞」、「Young Artists Connections ’20」 /ルーマニアなどがある。2016年東京藝術大学油画専攻を首席、美術学部総代で卒業。2022年11月から公益財団法人ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修助成によりルーマニアへ渡航予定。


Ana Scripcariu-Ochiai


Born in 1992 in Saitama Prefecture, Japan.

Ana Scripcariu-Ochiai is a mixed media artist who sensitively explores ways to take root in her two home countries of Japan and Romania under the theme, "connections between land and people.” She performs cultural and anthropological field work including documentation of indigenous festivals and folk religions in various parts of Japan and abroad. In recent years, she has been involved in the field of primatology as an extension of her work.

She has exhibited in Japan and internationally: The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan (2020-2021); The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Romania (2020); Hoi An, Vietnam (2019); Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2019); Chambord, Paris, France (2017).

Recent major awards include "TERRADA ART AWARD 2021, Prize from Meruro Washida” and "Young Artists Connections ’20" / Romania.

Ana Scripcariu-Ochiai graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts with a degree in Oil Painting at the top of her class and as a valedictorian of the Faculty of Fine Arts in 2016. She scheduled to go to Romania from November 2022 with a Grants for Overseas Study by the Pola Art Foundation.